May 2024: Attend the CPS-IoT Week 2024, Hong Kong Science Park.
May 2024: Attend the AIoT for Industry 4.0 Workshop, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
May 2024: Become a PhD student of Department of Computing, PolyU.
Feb 2024: One co-author paper has been accepted by Information Sciences. Congrats to Haozhen!
Jan 2024: Start my new life in Hong Kong.
Dec 2023: Receive the PhD offer from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University with PGS.
Nov 2023: Leave Shenzhen and prepare to move to Hong Kong.
Sep 2023: Join The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen as a PhD student.
Jun 2023: Graduate from UESTC and obtain my BEng degree.
May 2023: My second paper has been accepted by Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.
Apr 2022: My first paper has been accepted by IEEE Sensors Journal.